Welcome to the 2024 progress in photos page! I felt this would be the best way to share where funding has been allocated for the past year. We are so grateful for all the work that has been completed because of your generosity!

In these three photos you see I am speaking with the community after we learned that they needed a new school. I promised that I would focus on making that a priority upon our return. In the next image, Trinity and I are accompanying a community woman as she collects water from the dirty spring which we are there to replace with a cistern well… and CLEAN WATER! In the third image, we have started digging a trench to redirect the water while we build the well.

In these four photos, you see the progress of carving out the well as construction continues, Trinity meets a little girl in the community, and then after we returned home from our trip we received the images of the completed well, to include the SAME LITTLE GIRL who will NEVER KNOW DIRTY WATER! Imagine! The little girl Trinity met the week before will ALWAYS have clean water! Praise Jesus!

In this series, we see the younger children attending class in the converted pig pen (which the new school will replace). Primary grades are in a class without desks (which we have now ordered for delivery before we visit in May). Older children have a classroom with crowded desks, but we have ordered enough that there should be a better allocation of space for students to learn in class. Finally, we are sharing a photo of some students when they received their new textbooks. These books were requested on our visit to Nakalado to help students learn with their peers across Uganda and be prepared for grade level exams when they move into secondary schools (a different community for these kids). They were very excited to have their FIRST EVER textbooks!

These are images from midway through the summer when the school walls were being built and the roof was framed. Because we only have funding from a few donors and the money we raise through Treasures in Heaven (www.treasuresthrift.org), the construction process has been slow.

In the first image, the roof was being completed. In the second image you see the structure is nearly ready for students! We now have added window glass to the rooms and we have ordered the desks and chalkboards. We really can’t wait to go and celebrate this school with Nakalado! Once this phase is completed we will also build a latrine and add some play structures for the kids. All while continuing to build wells and support farming seed projects! Thank you for supporting Planet Changer!