The Library Dream Team in Siem Reap, Cambodia has hired 10 teens and young adults as part time librarians, and 5 as English Teachers.
By sponsoring a Librarian’s or English Teacher’s monthly salary, you are helping to prevent human trafficking and promote family preservation. In Cambodia, families are often separated for months at a time, or even indefinitely, when family members set off in search of work. It is tragically common for young people, desperate for money to meet their family’s most basic needs, to be coerced and forced into trafficking for labor or sexual exploitation.
You are making an incredible impact on the Librarians’ and English Teachers’ lives as well as on the entire village. The salary helps each Librarian and English Teacher care for their extended family. Sponsoring a librarian ensures that the library and books are properly cared for. During a librarian’s shift, the library provides a safe place for the village children, tweens, and teens to gather. The library empowers the village to increase literacy, and the ultimate goal is for English classes to be taught at each library. Learning English increases opportunity for work, and gives value to each person’s life. Rather than being viewed as a burden, an educated child or young adult brings hope to the family.
Join us today in preventing human trafficking, keeping families together, and promoting literacy and education! Sponsor a Librarian monthly at $12.50 or $25, or an English Teacher monthly at $10.

The library in the village of Spean Thmey has two Librarians, each receives a $25 a month salary.
Librarian Eul, $25 a month salary
Librarian Eung, $25 a month salary
English Teacher, $10 a month salary
English Teacher, $10 a month salary

The library in the village of Dandan has four Librarians, each receives a $12.50 a month salary.
Librarian Sambo, $12.50 a month salary
Librarian Sambet, $12.50 a month salary
Librarian Sawei, $12.50 a month salary
Librarian Samphors, $12.50 a month salary
English Teacher, $10 a month salary
English Teacher, $10 a month salary

The library in the village of Chhob Soum has two Librarians, each receives a $25 a month salary.
Librarian Srey Hong, $25 a month salary
Librarian Srey Net, $25 a month salary

The Library in the village of Tropeang Svay has two Librarians, each receives a $25 a month salary.
Librarian Chlan, $25 a month salary
Librarian Samnang, $25 a month salary
English Teacher, $10 a month salary
Coming Soon! Library 5! Due to the overcrowding of Library 3, and the distance many of the children travel to get there, locations are being explored in the area to add an additional Library.
100% of donations will go directly towards the specified purpose, minus transaction fees if applicable.
If you are interested in supporting Librarian or English Teacher Salaries via check, please email info [at] for additional information. Thank you!