Update! Phases 1, 2, and 3 are complete! Here are images of the roof going on the school! Next up, adding a water collection system, wiring, lighting, and building desks like the ones available in some of their other classrooms. (in the background is the old school that will be torn down once this building is complete) There are 379 students in Nakalado school! Thank you for supporting us!

The community of Nakalado is surrounded by over a hundred cistern wells built by Planet Changer since 2013. The children no longer have the health issues associated with dirty water and are thriving, desiring education and access to a better future. On our visit to Nakalado in 2024, we learned that the community is in desperate need of a new school building, a new latrine, textbooks, and classroom furnishings to meet the basic needs of their school-age children. We have already provided the textbooks; imagine! These children have just received their first-ever textbooks! Now we are raising the funds to build a school! If you would like to donate, follow the link to our donate page and you can choose the Nakalado school option. As phases of the school have been completed we will post the update here! Thank you for your support and partnership as Planet Changers!