Orphan Facts:
- There are an estimated 163 million children worldwide that have lost at least one parent
- Over 18 million orphans have lost both parents
- Every 15 seconds, a child in Africa loses a parent to AIDS
- 126 million children have lost their father; in impoverished countries, mothers are often not able to take care of these children and place them in an orphanage due to lack of support and resources, or the children end up living on the street at a young age
- It is estimated that over 400,000,000 abandoned children live on the streets across the world (this far exceeds the entire USA population)
- Almost 95% of the world’s orphans live in developing countries
- Less than 12% of the world’s 153,000,000 orphans have lost both parents
A large majority of orphans and street kids do not know where their next meal is coming from. They do not have a safe or secure place to spend the night. They do not live with either their mother or father. It only takes one caring person to make a lifelong difference in the life of an orphan. Every child deserves safety and stability; a place to call home, regular meals, loving caregivers.
Planet Changer is revolutionizing orphan care by empowering parents to keep their children. We are delivering support and sustainable resources to impoverished communities to allow parents or family members to care for children that would otherwise be at risk of being given to an orphanage or living on the street. Clean water projects and sustainable food programs are first steps to being raising themselves out of poverty, empowering them to care for and keep their children. We are also passionate about caring for existing orphans and uniting them with healthy and safe families.
Planet Changer empowers people to make a difference exactly where they choose to. We ensure that 100% of all public donations (minus transaction cost, if applicable) will go to the fund or even the specific project of choice.