World Food Day

Today is World Food Day.

Did you know:

  • Hunger is the number one killer on earth
  • Nearly 1 in 7 people are chronically hungry
  • Almost all of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries
  • The food crisis is not because of a lack of food, but is rather due to a lack of access and opportunity
  • Enough food is grown to provide over 4 pounds of food to every person on earth, daily
  • Agriculture has increased its output 17% per person despite population growth

Planet Changer is determined to eradicate hunger, and we are committed to sustainability in all of our projects. This commitment is why we are focusing on water on World Food Day. It is not possible to create sustainable hunger solutions without water. Without water, families are unable to irrigate their crops or care for livestock. Due to contaminated water, they may be too ill to tend to farming duties. Water changes everything. The gift of water is the gift of life. Health is restored, and communities are empowered to create long lasting food plans.

We invite you to invest in our clean water projects as a first step in ensuring communities have a stable food supply. We are protecting springs in Eastern Uganda.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).   Donate to protect springs in Uganda now


Spring Protection | Uganda

Planet Changer has been asked by local residents in Eastern Uganda to protect springs, beginning with the Tororo District. This will bring clean water to communities for the first time. Over 40 springs are currently identified.

Only local labor is used during the protection of the spring, and each community is required to be involved with labor and providing locally available materials (sand, stones, etc). Surveys show that community involvement drastically improves the long term success of the project.

The cost to protect each spring ranges from $650-$950 depending on the size of the spring (some springs are large and serve the needs of over 800 people). Each spring protection project offers a sustainable solution for clean water and includes hygiene and sanitation workshops for the community, water testing at the completion of each project, and regular inspections to ensure the integrity of the protected spring.

“Protecting water springs for families in Eastern Uganda, will enable them to begin accessing clean water and thus help them in overcoming various water borne diseases such as malaria, bilharzia, dysentery, among others, which they are currently suffering and which has on several occasions led to death of many people majority being children, as a result of them using dirty water drawn from unprotected community springs which is unfit for human consumption.

Protecting water springs for families in Eastern Uganda, will enable the families to begin accessing clean water within the vicinity of communities where they stay, this is not the case today, as many hundreds of communities lack clean water and therefore have to walk for a distance of over 7 miles if they are to get some how clean water in towns.

Thousands of Pregnant mothers and children in Eastern Uganda, are always sick due to water borne diseases they get from consuming dirty water drawn from unprotected water springs, they are too poor to afford drugs in health centers and their lives are at risk, protecting community water springs for them, will greatly enable them to overcome these diseases and improve their lives.” -Moses Hategeka, Ugandan Farmer and Project Coordinator

Planet Changer invites you to invest in our clean water projects in Uganda. People/families/groups donating $500 or more will receive recognition as special thanks on the completed project. Donors of $100 or more will receive pictures of the completed project, and a copy of the letter of thanks from the receiving community.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).   Donate to protect springs in Uganda now.

Improved Vegetable Seedlings | Uganda

In March Planet Changer purchased organic vegetable seedlings that were distributed to multiple small-holder farms. These seedlings were an improved variety that can better withstand drought and insects.

Spring is the most favorable season in Uganda for planting vegetables. These seedlings have thus far been highly successful. The plants are growing and producing well. The lives of the farmers have already begun to improve.

“the first round of vegetable seeds that we distributed to the grass root farmers are doing well and  the beneficiaries are full of joy and praise of planet changer help, because with these vegetables, they are affording to meet the nutritional needs of their families in addition to getting some small money through the sell of these vegetables.   since then, many farmers have appealed to me to give them more vegetable seeds and i have been telling them that i tabled their request to planet changer. in the first round, hundreds of farmers in each region were left out as the first round could not purchase enough seeds to cover all of them. In the second round, am proposing that thousand of farmers can be covered.” ~Moses Wiseman, Ugandan Farmer and Planet Project Coordinator

Join Planet Changer in empowering Ugandan Farmers to create sustainable food sources for their families and surrounding communities. $1000 will complete our effort to provide all of the farmers we are currently working with a first round of seedlings.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).

Donate now.

This is one of the communities that will receive seedlings. Join us in empowering these families to feed their children and implement sustainable hunger solutions for their community. See additional pictures here.

Dairy Goat Program | Uganda

Planet Changer is excited to announce our newest project to eradicate hunger – establishing a dairy goat breeding program in Uganda!

Many Ugandan families live on less than $1 a day. Raising and caring for dairy goats brings immediate and positive change to these families.  The level of nutrition in their home increases significantly. Surplus milk can be sold at market,  a high demand for goat milk already exists. A revenue stream is created allowing farmers to send their children to school and improve their farming techniques to increase their yields. This impacts entire communities as they are empowered to begin to raise themselves out of abject poverty.

To ensure program sustainability, Planet Changer is securing land to establish a goat breeding and training center. Farmers will receive training in how to properly care for the dairy goats by a local goat breeding specialist. Upon completion of training and proper preparation to care for the goats, the farmers will receive a goat. When the goat reaches maturity the goat will be bred and the offspring will be given to another farmer who attends training. This goat will also be bred with its offspring given to a new family, and the cycle will continue. With this model, Planet Changer increases our breeding capabilities and farmers actively assist each other. Long term, this program will benefit thousands of grassroots farmers across hundreds of communities.

“Once again thank you for your initiatives with us. we appreciate your efforts … am committed like always to for ever work with you in eradicating hunger and poverty in grass root communities in Uganda and Africa. farmers here are excited and are looking forward for your programs to start being implemented.” -A note from Moses, a Ugandan farmer who is working closely with Planet Changer

The start up cost of the goat breeding program is $16,000. Planet Changer invites you to partner with us to to save lives in Uganda and help farmers create positive futures for their families and communities.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).

Donate now.


Spring Protection | Kenya

Planet Changer has entered into a strategic partnership with an incredible organization saving lives in Kenya by protecting natural springs to offer a clean water source for the nearby community. Springs are currently being protected in the Emuhaya and Kwisero Districts in the Western Province. A positive relationship has been established with the District Commissioners and District Officers. Over 350 unprotected springs have been identified; Planet Changer is helping our partner reach their commitment of protecting each spring within the next three years.

Each spring provides water for communities ranging from about 160 to 250 people. Many of the springs are located near schools, which means over 500 children could collect clean water from a protected spring.

Only local labor is used during the protection of the spring, and each community is required to be involved with providing locally available materials (sand, stones, etc).

Each protected spring offers significant health improvements in the community (decrease in typhoid, water-borne disease, and malaria as mosquitos breeding grounds are eliminated), less firewood consumption and deforestation as there is no need to boil the water, and drownings of children collecting water are prevented.

The cost to protect each spring is $500. Each spring protection project offers a sustainable solution for clean water and includes hygiene and sanitation workshops for the community, water testing at the completion of each project, and annual inspections to ensure the integrity of the protected spring.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).   Donate to protect springs in Kenya now.


Protect Trafficking Victims | Multiple Countries

Planet Changer has secured a partnership to support and empower human trafficking survivors and at-risk communities in Peru, The Netherlands, Romania, South Africa, India and Thailand as well as at-risk communities in Uganda and Cambodia.

The first step is to create a safe environment and meet their basic needs including adequate food, shelter, health care and legal services if needed. Once the livelihood of at risk communities is stabilized, investing in goods and services that create opportunities for survivors and at-risk communities is a large focus to allow for social and economic growth. This includes education and vocational training and sets the foundation to equip individuals to be prepared for sustainable long-term opportunities.

The social venture projects create innovative, replicable, and sustainable solutions to fight modern-day slavery. Rescued victims have an opportunity to build a future and at-rick communities are intentionally empowered through education and dignified employment.

Global projects are ongoing and include;

  • safe house and vocational training center
  • catering program outreach, employing survivors of exploitation as chefs to create meals as an outreach to current victims while offering them the opportunity to enter a training program in culinary arts and catering
  • rehabilitation center offering shelter, education, health care, counseling, and vocational training
  • law enforcement partnership to identify victims, provide translation services, take statements to aid in prosecuting traffickers, and placing victims in shelters
  • on the job training programs
  • sustainable farming project providing income and vocational training for exploited children

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).

Donate now.

Family Sponsorship Fund

Planet Changer has established a Family Sponsorship Fund. We work closely with our partners in various countries to empower parents to provide for their children when they have reached the desperate place of considering giving up their children solely due to their inability to provide for the child’s basic needs.

Needs are evaluated per family and situation; grants are given for school tuition, small business start-up costs, developing sustainable food security, trade classes, and more. This allows children to remain with their parents and not become legal orphans.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).

Donate now.

Small-holder Farmer Support | Uganda

Planet Changer is partnering with a cooperative of 1000 farmers in over 100 grass-roots communities to enhance their capacity to improve crop quality and quantity as well as increase their efficiency in accessing markets. Small-holder farming is the major economic activity for over 80% of the Ugandan population. Most of the farmers live in rural areas that are characterized by endemic poverty.

First steps include providing improved seedling varieties and drip irrigation systems to increase produce and empower them to fight hunger in their communities. Improved fertilizer and a co-op shared tractor are included in future goals.

Long term this project includes education in agribusiness; best practices to limit climate change complications, how to build community buffer stocks of surplus produce, and how to work together for sustainable solutions to eliminating hunger.

100% of all public donations will go to the project or fund that the donor designates (minus transaction cost, if applicable).

Donate now.

Planet Changer is empowering this community to implement sustainable hunger solutions to provide for their children, themselves, their families, and their surrounding area. Will you join us?